Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Secrets to Longer, Thicker and Healthy Eyelashes

Most people consider eyelashes as the easiest way to get to the soul of a lady. This explains why they spend a lot of time in the washroom trying to make them look as attractive as possible. The problem is that many ladies are faced with the problem of losing eyelashes. Worse still is that the primary cause of eyelashes loss in most women is the same procedures that they undergo with the aim of enhancing their eyelashes. There are also some facial features that lead to weak and delicate eyelashes that fall easily. A fascinating thing about most parts of the body is that they are very frank and will naturally speak volumes of how we treat them. Let us look at some of the best ways that you can use to enhance the growth of eyelashes to the length we require.

Using extensions
Most ladies that have lost eyelashes feel empty and almost naked. They, therefore, turn to many other ways in which they can get to regrow their eyelashes. In the mean time, most ladies want to put on artificial eyelashes to enhance their look. This is a good way as many people may not be able to tell the difference between real and false eyelashes. There is, however, one major problem that is associated with the use of these false eyelashes. Frequent use of artificial eyelashes extensions to enhance looks may affect original eyelashes in a great way.  The problem arises when removing artificial eyelashes. Since they are stuck above the original eyelashes, you need to be careful when removing the extension. This is because the extension may sometimes cut the original eyelashes as you remove them in the evening.  Rough pulling off leads to losing of eyelashes and they may take the time to grow again.

Use of home remedies to grow eyelashes
Home remedies are the best remedy for lost eyelashes. Most of the home remedies are made from natural nutrients. This means that they are not processed. They are very rich in nutrients that lead to the growth of strong, longer and thick eyelashes. A lot of ladies.’ Ask do eyelashes fall’?. This means that they do not inspect the growth of their eyelashes properly. Home remedies have enough nutrients that prevent falling of eyelashes, repair the damaged ones and ensure healthy growth. Home remedies do not contain chemicals that are associated with falling of eyelashes.

Brushing the eyelashes
When you brush the eyelashes, you make them attain a good shape that leaves you looking good. When you brush after applying the home remedy, they are in a good position to uptake the nutrients. This is a good tip on how to get longer eyelashes. When you brush the eyelashes, they relax and this enhances growth. If you are asking why do eyelashes fall when you brush then pay attention to this simple tip. When you brush your eyelashes, use a soft brush. Remember to be gentle to avoid plucking your eyelashes. If you apply so much pressure, you may end up damaging the lashes making them look weak and shorter than usual because of breaking. To avoid breaking and damaging of the eyelashes ensure that you moisturize them before brushing.

Eyelash enhancer serums
Make sure you read the labels keenly and properly so as to get a serum that is not irritating to the eyes. The herbal nutrients in the serums help nourish your eyelashes and you do not have to ask the reason for the fall of eyelashes. Well-nourished eyelashes are strong and will not fall off easily. The technique of application is also important. You apply the serum on the outer line of the upper eyelids with a lot of caution.

Moisturize the eyelashes
Water is necessary for all parts of the body. When you have enough water amounts in the body, your eyelashes will be well moisturized. For those people that have a dry body and skin, they can rely on moisturizing enhancers to moisturize the eyelashes. Moisture is essential in repairing the damaged hair follicles. If you have been moisturizing your eyelashes, then you know how to get longer eyelashes in a natural and healthy way.

 Healthy Eating
Why do eyelashes fall? If this is your question, then healthy eating is the way. Eating the right types of food gives your body enough nutrients. This ensures that your eyelashes are strong and grow in a healthy manner. Strong eyelashes will not be at risk of breaking when you brush. Also, despite enhancing your looks, they offer enough protection to your eyes.

It is not a very challenging task to grow long eyelashes. They, however, require you to be dedicated and to take good care and maintain healthy eyelash growth practices. For people who use mascara, they have to be careful when removing the mascara to avoid pulling off eyelashes.


Wednesday, 20 January 2016

8 Best Eyelash Growth Solutions

Having eyelashes that are long and thick is definitely a sign of beauty. If you have always dreamt about eyelashes like that, perhaps this is the right moment for you to explore new options. We have gathered eight of the best eyelash growth solutions, destined to help you achieve the look you have always wanted to have. In order to discover which of the presented solutions works best for your needs, it is recommended that you give them all a try. In this way, you will also be able to share your experience with other people and inspire others to try similar solutions as well.

#1 Natural eyelash growth serum 
When it comes to eyelash growth products, it seems that natural ingredients do deliver the best results. So, if you are interested in a natural eyelash growth serum, these are the ingredients you are going to need: castor oil (1 tsp.), emu oil (1 tsp.), coconut oil (1/2 tsp.) and vitamin E oil (2 capsules). It is worth mentioning that emu oil is an optional ingredient, so if you do not have it, you can add some extra castor oil. Mix all of the ingredients together and apply the resulting mixture at the base of the eyelashes, using a Q-tip. For the best results, leave the application overnight.

#2 Lemon & olive oil 
Olive oil is often recommended for stimulating the growth of the eyelashes, not to mention it has hydrating properties at the same time. If you want to obtain an even better result, it is indicated that you mix this natural remedy with some lemon essential oil. In the situation that you do not have access to such an oil, you can soak lemon peels in the olive oil. The application is best made with an old mascara brush and it is recommended to be left overnight, in order to deliver the best results. A thorough rinse in the morning is required.

#3 Natural eyelash thickening serum 
If you are looking for a natural eyelash enhancer, this serum is exactly what you need. The ingredients required for the making of this serum are: coconut oil (1 tsp.), lemon essential oil (1 drop) and lavender essential oil (1 drop). Mix these ingredients well, until they are properly combined. Then, apply the resulting mixture to the eyelash base and enjoy its nourishing effect.

#4 Aloe Vera lash serum 
Aloe vera is a great natural remedy for eyelash growth, plus it has amazing hydrating properties (reduced risk of eyelash loss). You can prepare and use an amazing lash serum by mixing the aloe vera gel with castor oil and vitamin E oil. The aloe vera gel and the castor oil should be added in equal quantities, while the vitamin E oil should be added in half the quantity of the other ingredients. The aloe vera gel and the vitamin E oil are used for the lengthening of the eyelashes, while the castor oil is guaranteed to make them thicker. Mix well, apply and enjoy.

#5 Petroleum jelly 
This is indeed one of the most efficient remedies that can be used when it comes to stimulating the growth of the eyelashes. Thanks to its nourishing properties, the daily application of petroleum jelly will have an amazing effect on your eyelashes. The application is best performed with an old mascara brush and it provides the desired results when left overnight. The treatment should be repeated at least two or three times per week.

#6 Glycerin + castor oil
The combination between glycerin and castor oil is highly effective, as glycerin has hydrating properties and castor oil stimulates the actual growth process. In order to prepare this natural solution, mix half a teaspoon of castor oil with two or three glycerin drops and apply the resulting mixture to the eyelashes. As an alternative to glycerin, you can consider using egg whites, as they have similar benefits to offer.

#7 Cornflower + calendula flower extract
If you are looking for a unique natural remedy to give you longer eyelashes, you’ve found it. All you have to do is mix these two together with a little bit of essential oil, in order to obtain an eye lotion. Then, apply the resulting mixture on your eyelashes two or three times per days. Not only will your eyelashes grow longer but they will also become thicker.

#8 Shea butter
This is quite an effective remedy for eyelash growth and one that is incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is take a little bit on your fingers and massage the base of your eyelashes with it. This natural remedy has a rich content in vitamin E, nourishing the hair follicle and helping the eyelashes to grow strong and beautiful.

So, there you have it. These are eight of the best eyelash growth solutions, all of them based on natural ingredients. Be sure to try all of them out and decide on your own which works the best for your eyelashes.


Monday, 18 January 2016

Choosing a Cleanser – Choosing Solvaderm

There are countless facial cleansers on the market today. There are cleanser lotions and creams, bars, wipes, and brushes that all claim to cleanse the skin and remove impurities. How do you make the choice? You want to make sure that you choose a cleanser that not only washes away makeup but also removes dirt and impurities. Start by finding a product line that is trusted by dermatologists and skin care professionals to live up to their claims. Find a brand that is backed by years of scientific research and products that actually work. You will find all of that in Solvaderm.

Here are some steps that will help you choose the right cleanser for your skin. 
Be sure to select a cleanser that has been formulated for your skin type. Whether you have oily or dry skin, sensitive or combination, it is important to choose the product for your skin type. A good cleanser is formulated to help solve certain skin conditions while also helping to keep skin looking and feeling its best.

If you have dry skin, you will want to avoid any cleansers that are loaded with drying ingredients like alcohol and if you have oily skin, you will want a cleanser that will help control the production of oil. To keep your skin hydrated you want to be sure that you find a cleanser that contains ceramides and humectants like glycerin which can help your skin hold its natural moisture.

If you wear a lot of makeup, you should also consider finding a cleanser that can actually wash away makeup and know that sometimes you must wash twice to get all of the makeup off.
For oily skin you want to choose oil-free cleansers that are formulated to slough off pore-clogging oil. You may also want to find a cleanser with salicylic acid to help keep blemishes at bay especially if you have acne prone skin. You should also look for cleansers that contain exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids that will help smooth skin and remove excess dead cells and oil.

After you have selected the right skin cleanser for your skin type, it will be important to remember to use it twice daily. You should be washing your face in the morning and before bed at night to help remove all impurities. As mentioned earlier, be sure to wash enough to remove all dirt and makeup but also be gentle – you don’t want to scrub too hard. Of course, you want to end your cleansing routine with a great toner and moisturizer.

Once you find the right cleanser for your skin type and condition, washing away the day’s impurities will be a breeze. You can be sure that your skin is left free of the day’s pollutants and ready for your night of rejuvenating sleep. Selecting the right cleanser can be difficult but not when you have a brand like Solvaderm that has a whole line of products that has been backed by years of scientific research and is trusted by skin care professionals everywhere.


Monday, 11 January 2016

Smoking and UV Rays Accelerate The Occurrence of Facial Wrinkles

When we are younger, we never think about wrinkles and aging. They seem like far off problems that will never actually come to be. We can be careless with the health of our skin and with the lifestyle habits that we allow into our routine. However, facial wrinkles are something that we all have to deal with at some point in our lives. Many of us take the wrong approach to anti-aging. We don’t worry about it until we are already experiencing signs of aging. We allow huge amounts of damage to come to our skin and think about the consequences later.

The secret to anti-aging skin care is that the earlier you begin fighting aging, the better off you will be. Although we will all age, you can cut down dramatically on the amount of damage and wear that it put on your skin if you know the right strategies. But you may have habits that are going to cause your skin to age at much higher rate than it should. If you are smoking and leaving your skin unprotected against UV rays you could be accelerating the severity and amount of facial wrinkles on your skin.

What are facial wrinkles?
A wrinkle is an indentation or small crease in the skin. From far away it can appear that a small line has been drawn on the skin. They are usually seen more frequently around the areas of our faces that we move the most as we speak and express ourselves using our face. The most expressive areas of the face are the mouth, eyes, and forehead. So naturally, these are the areas of the face that have the most wrinkles. However, these areas of our faces can accumulate even more wrinkles due to UV rays and the damage of cigarette smoke.

How does smoking damage the skin?
When most people think about the side effects of smoking, we think about the damaging of effects of cigarette smoke on the lungs. It can present irreversibly terrible side effects on the health and function of your lungs. However, your breathing isn’t the only thing that is at risk when you smoke cigarettes. You are also risking the health of your skin. The toxic chemicals that manufacturers inject into cigarettes can damage the skin and cause wrinkles to appear on the skin. Smoking can also cause wrinkles to appear on the skin or to deepen because smoking can cause the skin to dry out. Dry skin is vulnerable to wrinkles.

These side effects are why many people who have had a heavy smoking problem for many years find that they appear to be much older than they actually are. The damage of smoking on the skin does not appear right away, it takes time but once it happens the damage can be brutal and irreparable. The best thing that you can do for you skin and the overall health of your body if you are a smoker is to try to end your smoking addiction. There are many ways to end a smoking addiction. You can use patches, quite cold turkey, make use of vapor cigarettes, or you can even try hypnotherapy.

How do UV Rays damage the skin?
UV rays, or ultraviolet rays are short rays of light that can damage the skin. As you may already know, the sun is a natural source of UV rays, but you may also be exposed to UV rays if you visit tanning beds. They damage the skin by damaging the DNA of skin cells and aging the cells. We are all exposed to the sunlight and we must protect our skin from potential damage by applying sunscreen or wearing protective clothing such as light layers or hats. You may not think that occasional unprotected exposure to the sun is damaging but over time UV rays can present a multitude of damage to your skin cells which can lead to wrinkles. There is nothing wrong with getting some sun. It can improve your mood and provide your skin with a beautiful sun-kissed glow. You don’t have to avoid going outside and basking in the sun completely you just need to be prudent about protecting your skin. In order to cut down on the amount and depth of wrinkles on your skin.

In Conclusion
Your skin is precious. You should protect it against any and all factors that present damage to it. Preventative skin care is the best route to go. Ultraviolet rays and cigarette smoke are two factors that can hold a significant amount of damage to the skin. If you don’t want unnecessary wrinkles and you have either one of these habits you should consider making serious changes to your lifestyle.

Is Your blushing Actually Rosacea?

There is no disease that is better than the other because all of them have negative effects on the body. However, we can say that one has fewer effects than the other. Our skins is the heart of most of the beauty that a human being posses. Rosacea and blushing are two infections of the skin with different intensity regarding affecting the skin. Blushing is the reddening of the skin involuntarily while rosacea is an infection on the skin that appears like acne also characterized by reddening. However rosacea is very fatal for the reasons shown below;

a) Causes
There is no clear cause of rosacea but it is believed that its situation can be worsened by emotional stress of the victim. Therefore it can be very hard to come up with a solution to this kind of infection. The major cause of blushing on the other hand has been proven to be emotions fluctuations. Both of them therefore have a similarity of being affected by stress but it is very unfortunate that the cause of rosacea is not clearly known. However, there are some things that are thought to trigger rosacea which include heat and alcohol consumption. Blushing infection is preferable because at least an individual has exact clue of what to avoid. Some of the thought causes of rosacea are abnormalities in the blood vessels, increase in active peptides, helicobacter bacteria and harmless mites on human skin.

b) Effects
Blushing affects several parts of the skin which include the neck and the ears apart from the face. This makes blushing look a little worse but it is not exactly the case. Rosacea on the other hand affects only the face and is often like teenage acne but it is more persistent compared to acne. Both of these skin problems are characterized by reddening of the skin which can make it hard for you to distinguish between the two but with time, there will be a great distinction.

c) Treatment
HIV AIDs is one of the diseases which have no cure and so is rosacea. Therefore blushing may not be as bad as rosacea for this reason. If you are infected with blushing, you worry should be where to find treatment to eradicate it completely unlike rosacea where you are sure of lasting with the disease. There is nothing as bad as permanent damage of something. It cause the complete loss of those things. For our case once your skin is infected with rosacea the damage is permanent. There are however several ways of reducing its impact on the skin. This includes lifestyle changes, using prescribed lotions and creams, antibiotics, lasers and Accutane. You may need to reduce the amounts of alcohol that you consume and avoid situations that can cause overheating in the body. The best way to be able to overcome these diseases is by treating it at their early stages to reduce the permanent damage. The same applies to every disease that you intend to recover from it.
 Hypnosis treatment, avoiding embarrassing situations and anything that could trigger stress are the most effective ways of overcoming blushing. Blushing can be one of the signs of rosacea . Therefore, you can sometimes mistake rosacea for blushing.

General comments about both diseases
All these diseases destroy the beauty of your skin and there is no way you can prefer another over the other. Both have almost the same physical effects just that rosacea’s is permanent. Therefore maintain higher levels of hygiene and proper skin care and hygiene to be able to distinguish between this infection and cleanness related. This will enable you to detect easily these infections because none of them is caused by the unhygienic conditions. Only consider surgery when you have tried all the other methods of treatment but failed because surgery can sometimes have severe negative effects.

None of the two diseases can be transmitted from one person to the other which is a major advantage of not being separated from the society. It is very humiliating to have unpleasant skin before people but it is more humiliating and depressing being separated from the society due to your health state.

We cannot conclude that any of the diseases is better than the other because they both cause reddening of the skin. However, among these two infections rosacea has proven to be hard to deal with because there is no clear cause of it and therefore, no treatment has been derived that can totally heal the infection. Blushing affects other parts of the skin unlike rosacea which affects only the face, but the fair thing about it is that there are some individuals who have recovered from it. Therefore, considering treatment, we can say blushing is better.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Does Aromatherapy really Relieve Arthritis Pain?

Most people in the world are really struggling with arthritis pain in silence. There are trying many unique ways to ensure that they remain pain-free and to make them feel comfortable. As we all know pain is not anyone’s cup of tea; it can paralyze an individual from performing the daily activities. Arthritis pain is the pain experienced at the joints due to the immune system attacking the joints. You must be wondering about this because the immune system is supposed to protect the body from any attack by foreign agents. The abnormality behind this is that the immune system views the joints as the bad foreign agent and therefore, attacks it. This is what brings us to the various pain relieve methods. There are natural methods which involve using the natural substances to relief pain and the artificial where a doctor prescribes an individual medicine to reduce the pain. One of the ways is aromatherapy which leaves people asking “does aromatherapy?”

Understanding Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is where scented plant with healing properties is used to administer healing. It is a cultural therapy that targets the mind and parts of the body that were used in the ancient times. What is required from an individual is to feel the room with the healing scent and let it perform its magic. A diffuser is used to feel the room to effect the insight healing. Inhaling the scent is the best way to input the healing into your body. It triggers the part of the brain linked to the olfactory system to generate a signal that is sent to the limbic system where emotions are controlled. The signal causes the hormones that promote relaxation to be released. The type of hormone released depends on the inhaled substance. This is what makes it a pain relief agent.

Mode of Application
Apart from inhalation, this substance gets into the body through diffusion through the skin. This substance is always in form of oil and therefore upon diffusion it gets into the bloodstream where it combines with the natural oils. From here osmosis takes the position and transfers this substance to all the other parts of the body including the joints. Therefore, aromatherapy promotes relaxation at the joints reducing pain and inflammation.

Effects on Arthritis
Quite a number of oils can help relief the arthritis pain and swelling at the joints. However different oils have different properties that create the gap between the most effective and the less effect oils. Linalool is a substance that has anti-inflammatory properties and is often found in oil obtained from plants. Since aromatherapy depends on oils for its function, it is therefore, perfect for arthritis pain. Linalool also reliefs stress that comes along with arthritis hence reduces the chances of depression.

Improves Flexibility
Aromatherapy also is a great method of improving the flexibility of a joint by stimulation of circulation within the joints. This increases the energy amounts promoting disappearance of the pain and inflammation aromatherapy can be applied as long as it could offer the healing. Therefore, by now doubts about it should be close to a trust. Never downgrade aromatherapy because it can deliver what you exactly need for arthritis pain to go away.

Aromatherapy is not only delivered through diffusion and inhalation but also through massaging the scented oil on your skin. This is a more specific kind of aromatherapy because you just massage the joints with the oil. Massaging is to enable maximum circulation of the oil substance on the affected area for effective treatment. It also increases the speed at which the oil is absorbed making it the most effective for fast treatment. Another aim of massage is to generate heat that will cause evaporation of the essential oils giving room for the absorption of the healing oil.

Cures Menopausal Symptoms
A study in Korea confirmed that aromatherapy is not just a trial and error treatment for menopause. It is a sure way to reduce arthritis pain evident by 40 people sample in the research who recovered from arthritis pain after aromatherapy. Additional benefit of aromatherapy is relieving stress enabling proper functioning of the brain and hence all the body activities. Both joint pain and arthritis can be relived through this method since it shares most of the effects.

If you have been having any negative thoughts about aromatherapy you should revise your thinking. It is a three methods treatment that require you to choose your favorable one. The first is where the treatment is delivered by diffusion, second is delivered by inhalation and the third by natural absorption by the skin. It involves the use of scented oils which have anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties. Application through any of the three methods can help you overcome joint pain and arthritis. Therefore, if you had ignored reconsider it again because it truly works.

Monday, 4 January 2016

The 11 Best Face Cleansers That Get Your Face Super Clean

They say a habit it is like a disease. This is indeed true. However, some habits that we adopt can make or break us. Take for example, having a habit of not removing makeup before sleep. You know exactly how much damage this is doing to your faces but still you go ahead and do it. It only takes 21 days to break a habit; make use of those three weeks. I promise it will be worth it.

Okay, enough with that and let’s go to serious business. Washing your face before sleep is important. However, if you do it with the wrong cleanser, then you might as well be wasting your time. A wrong cleanser will cause havoc on your skin and thus, there is need to know the exact cleanser that you actually need to purchase. To determine this, you need to know your skin type.

There are a lot of cleansers available in the market today. After going through the reviews from both the consumers and the producers, the cleansers discussed below were shown to be one of the best cleansers available. They are cost friendly and are sure to give you the best results.

1. Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash
This cleanser will work for most skin types, even the sensitive one. It was named as one of the best skin care products back in 2010 by the Allure Magazine. It is used to remove makeup and works on the face gently leaving the skin soft. It has a medicinal scent that is loved by most though isn’t recommended for people whose skins are highly sensitive. It is however a darling for many including dermatologists. It goes for about $7.

2. CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser
If you have sensitive skin, then this might be the best facial cleanser for you. It also works for other skin types except the oily ones. It works gently on the skin, soothing it and leaves it hydrated. It also contains ingredients that work greatly on the skin giving it a glowing effect. It goes for roughly $12 (12 oz).

3. Cetaphil Cleanser
Designed for the sensitive skin, Cetaphil Cleanser cleans the skin, soothes and leaves it soft and smooth. It promises not to dry out the skin or cause irritation. It can be purchased at a price of £8.99and thus its quite a deal if you ask me.

4. Aveda Outer Peace Cleanser Foamer
This cleanser works best for those people who are prone to breakouts. It promises to remove blemishes you may be having on your face in a span of four weeks. It also leaves the skin hydrated. This will happen if you follow the stipulated routine. It goes for £19.

5. Dermpura
This cleanser works to remove dirt on the face and at the same time protect the skin from oxidative properties and other factors that cause premature aging. It’s manufactured by the Solvaderm Company. It contains natural botanical oils and vitamins that help in this. It can be purchased at an affordable price of less than$30.

6. Fresh Soy Face Cleanser
This cleanser works in the same manner as the Cetaphil Cleanser but has this tantalizing smell that you just can’t resist. It comes loaded with essential amino acids, soy proteins and rose water. After use, it leaves the skin soft and radiant. Get it at a price of $38.

7. Mario Badescu Acne Facial Cleanser
As the name suggests, this cleanser works best for people who are battling acne breakouts. It contains ingredients such as salicylic acid; aloe vera and chamomile that are known to clear breakouts and calm the skin. It goes for a price of $15.

8. Glytone Essentials Daily Facial Cleanser
Just like the Mario Badescu Acne Facial Cleanser, this cleanser helps in healing acne. It’s is a mild gel that contains acne medicine properties inside. It works greatly on oily skin and can be bought at a price of $31.

9. Pond’s Cold Cream
For people with dry skins, this cleanser will work out perfect. It does not require washing off with water but rather its needs you to wipe off with a warm cloth or tissue. It moisturizes the skin and you’ll only need $6 to get it.

10. Philosophy Purity Made Simple
It is used to wash off dirt and makeup. It is one of the most popular facial cleansers you will come across. It moisturizes and softens the skin. It goes for $24.

11. Clinique Wash-Away Gel Cleanser
This cleanser works best on oily skins as it absorbs the excess oils. However, it may lead to dry skin thus, you should discontinue use if the dehydrating effect is too much. Get it for $20.

Check out the above products and see which one works out best for you. But it’s apparent for most skin types that Dermpura is the best due to its unique and specialized formulation.