Having eyelashes that are long and thick is definitely a sign of beauty. If you have always dreamt about eyelashes like that, perhaps this is the right moment for you to explore new options. We have gathered eight of the best eyelash growth solutions, destined to help you achieve the look you have always wanted to have. In order to discover which of the presented solutions works best for your needs, it is recommended that you give them all a try. In this way, you will also be able to share your experience with other people and inspire others to try similar solutions as well.
#1 Natural eyelash growth serum
When it comes to eyelash growth products, it seems that natural ingredients do deliver the best results. So, if you are interested in a natural eyelash growth serum, these are the ingredients you are going to need: castor oil (1 tsp.), emu oil (1 tsp.), coconut oil (1/2 tsp.) and vitamin E oil (2 capsules). It is worth mentioning that emu oil is an optional ingredient, so if you do not have it, you can add some extra castor oil. Mix all of the ingredients together and apply the resulting mixture at the base of the eyelashes, using a Q-tip. For the best results, leave the application overnight.
#2 Lemon & olive oil
Olive oil is often recommended for stimulating the growth of the eyelashes, not to mention it has hydrating properties at the same time. If you want to obtain an even better result, it is indicated that you mix this natural remedy with some lemon essential oil. In the situation that you do not have access to such an oil, you can soak lemon peels in the olive oil. The application is best made with an old mascara brush and it is recommended to be left overnight, in order to deliver the best results. A thorough rinse in the morning is required.
#3 Natural eyelash thickening serum
If you are looking for a natural eyelash enhancer, this serum is exactly what you need. The ingredients required for the making of this serum are: coconut oil (1 tsp.), lemon essential oil (1 drop) and lavender essential oil (1 drop). Mix these ingredients well, until they are properly combined. Then, apply the resulting mixture to the eyelash base and enjoy its nourishing effect.
#4 Aloe Vera lash serum
Aloe vera is a great natural remedy for eyelash growth, plus it has amazing hydrating properties (reduced risk of eyelash loss). You can prepare and use an amazing lash serum by mixing the aloe vera gel with castor oil and vitamin E oil. The aloe vera gel and the castor oil should be added in equal quantities, while the vitamin E oil should be added in half the quantity of the other ingredients. The aloe vera gel and the vitamin E oil are used for the lengthening of the eyelashes, while the castor oil is guaranteed to make them thicker. Mix well, apply and enjoy.
#5 Petroleum jelly
This is indeed one of the most efficient remedies that can be used when it comes to stimulating the growth of the eyelashes. Thanks to its nourishing properties, the daily application of petroleum jelly will have an amazing effect on your eyelashes. The application is best performed with an old mascara brush and it provides the desired results when left overnight. The treatment should be repeated at least two or three times per week.
#6 Glycerin + castor oil
The combination between glycerin and castor oil is highly effective, as glycerin has hydrating properties and castor oil stimulates the actual growth process. In order to prepare this natural solution, mix half a teaspoon of castor oil with two or three glycerin drops and apply the resulting mixture to the eyelashes. As an alternative to glycerin, you can consider using egg whites, as they have similar benefits to offer.
#7 Cornflower + calendula flower extract
If you are looking for a unique natural remedy to give you longer eyelashes, you’ve found it. All you have to do is mix these two together with a little bit of essential oil, in order to obtain an eye lotion. Then, apply the resulting mixture on your eyelashes two or three times per days. Not only will your eyelashes grow longer but they will also become thicker.
#8 Shea butter
This is quite an effective remedy for eyelash growth and one that is incredibly easy to use. All you have to do is take a little bit on your fingers and massage the base of your eyelashes with it. This natural remedy has a rich content in vitamin E, nourishing the hair follicle and helping the eyelashes to grow strong and beautiful.
So, there you have it. These are eight of the best eyelash growth solutions, all of them based on natural ingredients. Be sure to try all of them out and decide on your own which works the best for your eyelashes.
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