There is no disease that is better than the other because all of them have negative effects on the body. However, we can say that one has fewer effects than the other. Our skins is the heart of most of the beauty that a human being posses. Rosacea and blushing are two infections of the skin with different intensity regarding affecting the skin. Blushing is the reddening of the skin involuntarily while rosacea is an infection on the skin that appears like acne also characterized by reddening. However rosacea is very fatal for the reasons shown below;
a) Causes
There is no clear cause of rosacea but it is believed that its situation can be worsened by emotional stress of the victim. Therefore it can be very hard to come up with a solution to this kind of infection. The major cause of blushing on the other hand has been proven to be emotions fluctuations. Both of them therefore have a similarity of being affected by stress but it is very unfortunate that the cause of rosacea is not clearly known. However, there are some things that are thought to trigger rosacea which include heat and alcohol consumption. Blushing infection is preferable because at least an individual has exact clue of what to avoid. Some of the thought causes of rosacea are abnormalities in the blood vessels, increase in active peptides, helicobacter bacteria and harmless mites on human skin.
b) Effects
Blushing affects several parts of the skin which include the neck and the ears apart from the face. This makes blushing look a little worse but it is not exactly the case. Rosacea on the other hand affects only the face and is often like teenage acne but it is more persistent compared to acne. Both of these skin problems are characterized by reddening of the skin which can make it hard for you to distinguish between the two but with time, there will be a great distinction.
c) Treatment
HIV AIDs is one of the diseases which have no cure and so is rosacea. Therefore blushing may not be as bad as rosacea for this reason. If you are infected with blushing, you worry should be where to find treatment to eradicate it completely unlike rosacea where you are sure of lasting with the disease. There is nothing as bad as permanent damage of something. It cause the complete loss of those things. For our case once your skin is infected with rosacea the damage is permanent. There are however several ways of reducing its impact on the skin. This includes lifestyle changes, using prescribed lotions and creams, antibiotics, lasers and Accutane. You may need to reduce the amounts of alcohol that you consume and avoid situations that can cause overheating in the body. The best way to be able to overcome these diseases is by treating it at their early stages to reduce the permanent damage. The same applies to every disease that you intend to recover from it.
Hypnosis treatment, avoiding embarrassing situations and anything that could trigger stress are the most effective ways of overcoming blushing. Blushing can be one of the signs of rosacea . Therefore, you can sometimes mistake rosacea for blushing.
General comments about both diseases
All these diseases destroy the beauty of your skin and there is no way you can prefer another over the other. Both have almost the same physical effects just that rosacea’s is permanent. Therefore maintain higher levels of hygiene and proper skin care and hygiene to be able to distinguish between this infection and cleanness related. This will enable you to detect easily these infections because none of them is caused by the unhygienic conditions. Only consider surgery when you have tried all the other methods of treatment but failed because surgery can sometimes have severe negative effects.
None of the two diseases can be transmitted from one person to the other which is a major advantage of not being separated from the society. It is very humiliating to have unpleasant skin before people but it is more humiliating and depressing being separated from the society due to your health state.
We cannot conclude that any of the diseases is better than the other because they both cause reddening of the skin. However, among these two infections rosacea has proven to be hard to deal with because there is no clear cause of it and therefore, no treatment has been derived that can totally heal the infection. Blushing affects other parts of the skin unlike rosacea which affects only the face, but the fair thing about it is that there are some individuals who have recovered from it. Therefore, considering treatment, we can say blushing is better.
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